DSP Final Project : Music Type Classification

105061211 陳祈瑋
105060012 張育菘

Wavelet Denoising Visualization

Create a perfect sine wave s(t), and then add some noise to produce x(t). In order to denosie, we use "denoise_wavelet" in skimage.restoration to reconstruct the original signal, obtaining r(t). These three signals are shown in time domain and frequency domain below.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from skimage.restoration import (denoise_wavelet, estimate_sigma)
from scipy.fftpack import fft,ifft

# Denoising
res = 1000  # Resolution
fs = 5   # Frequency
t = 3     # Duration
n = np.arange(t*res)
s = np.cos(2*np.pi*fs*(n/res))

w = np.random.rand(t*res)-0.5
x = s + w
r = denoise_wavelet(x, wavelet='db1', mode='soft', method='BayesShrink', rescale_sigma='True')

# Time domain
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(n/(res), x)
plt.plot(n/(res), r)
plt.plot(n/(res), s)
ax.set_title('Sin wave in Time Domain')

# Frequency domain
S = fft(s)
X = fft(x)
R = fft(r)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

plt.plot((2*(n/(res*t))-1)*fs, abs(X))
plt.plot((2*(n/(res*t))-1)*fs, abs(R))
plt.plot((2*(n/(res*t))-1)*fs, abs(S))
ax.set_xlabel('Frequecny (Normalized)')
ax.set_title('Sin wave in Frequency Domain')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x28c7f7c8948>

Parameter Setup

In [2]:
# Parameter Setup
N_type = 5
N_slice = 3
N_data = 100
N_clip = N_type*N_slice*N_data

duration = 30

oct_diff = np.array([0, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 11025])  # Freq Normalized interval
oct_alpha = 0.02;  # tunable

N_freq_intvl = (len(oct_diff)-1);
feature = np.zeros((N_clip, N_freq_intvl*2))
style = np.zeros((N_clip, 1));

Visualize one music clip

We plot a selected music clip which is classical type to understand the effect before and after applying "denoise_wavelet" in time domain.

In [3]:
from scipy.io import wavfile
from skimage.restoration import (denoise_wavelet, estimate_sigma)

# Visualization of one music clip
path = "Data/genres_original/classical/classical.00000.wav"
fs, y = wavfile.read(path)
N_y = y.shape[0]

y = y/max(y)

y_de = denoise_wavelet(y, wavelet='db1', mode='soft', method='BayesShrink', rescale_sigma='True')

# Time domain
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(np.arange(N_y)/N_y*duration, y)
ax.set_title('Music Signals in Time Domain')
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(np.arange(N_y)/N_y*duration, y_de)
ax.set_title('Music Signals in Time Domain')
ax.legend(['w/o wavelet denosing', 'w/   wavelet denosing'],loc="best")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x28c00945d88>

We plot a selected music clip which is classical type to understand the effect before and after applying "denoise_wavelet" in frequency domain.

In [4]:
# Frequency domain
Y = fft(y)
Y_de = fft(y_de)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(2*(np.arange(N_y)/N_y)-1, abs(Y))
ax.set_xlabel('Frequecny (Normalized)')
ax.set_title('Music Signals in Frequency Domain')
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.plot(2*(np.arange(N_y)/N_y)-1, abs(Y_de))
ax.set_xlabel('Frequecny (Normalized)')
ax.set_title('Music Signals in Frequency Domain')
ax.legend(['w/o wavelet denosing', 'w/   wavelet denosing'],loc="best")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x28c005846c8>

Octave-Scale filter

"oct_feature" divides the frequency domain into seven intervals, and then extract the peak, valley and their difference in each interval as the music input features.

In [5]:
def oct_feature(start, stop, Y, alpha):
    N = Y.shape[0]
    Y_filter = Y[int(np.floor(N*start)):int(np.floor(N*stop))]
    N_filter = Y_filter.shape[0]
    Y_sort = np.sort(abs(Y_filter))
    N_avg = int(np.floor(N_filter*alpha))
    peak = np.sum(Y_sort[N_filter-N_avg:N_filter])/N_avg
    valley = np.sum(Y_sort[0:N_avg])/N_avg
    sc = peak - valley
    return peak, valley, sc

Data preprocessing

Use for loop to preprocessing the data, such as slicing, FFT, wavelet denoising and feature extraction etc. As a result, we obtain parameter 'feature' as input features, and parameter 'style' as labels.

In [6]:
data_type = ["classical", "country", "blues", "hiphop", "pop"]

# Sliced to 5 clip
# data_diff = np.array([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30])/30    # Time Normalized interval
# Y_avg = np.zeros((N_type, int(N_y/3)))   # Time Normalized interval

# Sliced to 3 clip
data_diff = np.array([0, 10, 20, 30])/30    # Time Normalized interval
Y_avg = np.zeros((N_type, int(N_y/3)))   # Time Normalized interval

# Don't be sliced
# data_diff = np.array([0, 30])/30    
# Y_avg = np.zeros((N_type, N_y))

i_num = 0
for i in data_type:
    print("Now processing " + i)
    for j in range(N_data):
        if j < 10:
            num = "0"+str(j)
            num = str(j)
        path = "Data/genres_original/"+i+"/"+i+".000"+num+".wav"
        [fs, y] = wavfile.read(path)
        if y.shape[0] < N_y :
            z = np.zeros((N_y - y.shape[0]))
            y = np.concatenate((y, z), axis=0)
        for k in range(N_slice):
            y_slice = y[int(np.floor(N_y*data_diff[k])):int(np.floor(N_y*data_diff[k+1]))]
            y_slice = y_slice/max(y_slice)
            y_de = denoise_wavelet(y_slice, wavelet='db1', mode='soft', method='BayesShrink', rescale_sigma='True')
            #Y = fft(y_slice)
            Y = fft(y_de)
            N_y_slice = Y.shape[0]
            Y_avg[i_num,:] = Y_avg[i_num,:] + abs(Y[:])
            # Octave-Scale Filter
            oct_diff_norm = oct_diff/(fs/2);  # Normalized interval
            sc = np.zeros((1,N_freq_intvl))
            valley = np.zeros((1,N_freq_intvl))
            peak = np.zeros((1,N_freq_intvl))
            for m in range(oct_diff.shape[0]-1):
                [peak[0,m], valley[0,m], sc[0,m]] = oct_feature(oct_diff_norm[m], oct_diff_norm[m+1], Y[int(np.floor(N_y_slice/2)):N_y_slice], oct_alpha)
            feature[i_num*N_data*N_slice+j*N_slice+k,0:N_freq_intvl] = sc
            feature[i_num*N_data*N_slice+j*N_slice+k,N_freq_intvl:2*N_freq_intvl] = valley
            style[i_num*N_data*N_slice+j*N_slice+k,0] = i_num    
    Y_avg[i_num,:] = Y_avg[i_num,:]/(N_data*N_slice)         
    i_num = i_num + 1
Now processing classical
Now processing country
Now processing blues
Now processing hiphop
Now processing pop

Average Spectrums in different type of music

There are 500 clip of music in each types. To analysis the spectrums, we average the FFT in each type. As a result, we can see that different type of music correspond to different spectrum configurations.

In [7]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
for i in range(N_type):
    plt.plot(2*(np.arange(Y_avg[i,:].shape[0])/Y_avg[i,:].shape[0])-1, Y_avg[i,:]/(N_data*N_slice))
    ax.set_xlabel('Frequecny (Normalized)')
    ax.set_title('Avg FFT in different type of music')

Features Visulization

In [8]:
feature = np.array(feature)

size = (feature.shape[1])/2
labels = np.arange(size)+1;
type1 = feature[0:N_slice*N_data,:]
type2 = feature[N_slice*N_data:2*N_slice*N_data,:]
type3 = feature[2*N_slice*N_data:3*N_slice*N_data,:]
type4 = feature[3*N_slice*N_data:4*N_slice*N_data,:]
type5 = feature[4*N_slice*N_data:5*N_slice*N_data,:]
x = np.arange(len(labels))*3  # the label locations
width = 0.5  # the width of the bars
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
rects1 = ax.bar(x - 2*width, np.mean(type1[:,0:7], axis=0), width, label= data_type[0])
rects2 = ax.bar(x - width  , np.mean(type2[:,0:7], axis=0), width, label= data_type[1])
rects3 = ax.bar(x          , np.mean(type3[:,0:7], axis=0), width, label= data_type[2])
rects4 = ax.bar(x + width  , np.mean(type4[:,0:7], axis=0), width, label= data_type[3])
rects5 = ax.bar(x + 2*width, np.mean(type5[:,0:7], axis=0), width, label= data_type[4])
# Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.

ax.set_title('SC Features in Different Types')

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,5))
rects1 = ax.bar(x - 2*width, np.mean(type1[:,7:14], axis=0), width, label= data_type[0])
rects2 = ax.bar(x - width  , np.mean(type2[:,7:14], axis=0), width, label= data_type[1])
rects3 = ax.bar(x          , np.mean(type3[:,7:14], axis=0), width, label= data_type[2])
rects4 = ax.bar(x + width  , np.mean(type4[:,7:14], axis=0), width, label= data_type[3])
rects5 = ax.bar(x + 2*width, np.mean(type5[:,7:14], axis=0), width, label= data_type[4])
# Add some text for labels, title and custom x-axis tick labels, etc.
ax.set_xlabel('Feature No.')
ax.set_title('Valley Features in Different Types')

SVM Model Training

In [9]:
X = feature
y = style

# Training and testing data splitting
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.2, random_state=1, stratify = y)

# Standardization
sc = StandardScaler()
X_train_std = sc.transform(X_train)
X_test_std = sc.transform(X_test)

# SVM model
from sklearn.svm import SVC
svm = SVC(kernel='rbf', C=1000.0, random_state=1)
svm.fit(X_train_std, y_train.ravel())
print('SVM Accuracy: %.2f %%' %(svm.score(X_test_std, y_test.ravel())*100))
SVM Accuracy: 78.33 %

confusion matrix

Use confusion matrix to understand which type is tend to be mis-classified.

In [10]:
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
y_pred = svm.predict(X_test_std)
c = confusion_matrix(y_test.ravel(), y_pred)/int(y_test.shape[0]/N_type)*100
[[90.          6.66666667  3.33333333  0.          0.        ]
 [11.66666667 78.33333333  6.66666667  1.66666667  1.66666667]
 [ 0.         16.66666667 76.66666667  6.66666667  0.        ]
 [ 0.         13.33333333  5.         76.66666667  5.        ]
 [ 5.         16.66666667  0.          8.33333333 70.        ]]